Payment Options

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Shop Pay as eligible forms of payment for your order.

And of course, we also accept cryptocurrency payments via the CryptoCom Pay app! You do not need to be a CryptoCom customer nor have the CryptoCom app to check out with this payment gateway.
Need step-by-step walkthrough instructions for paying with crypto? HERE YOU GO 🤩
🎥 Click this to watch the instructional video

Please ensure the billing address you enter is the one tied to your credit cards, as your order will be rejected, cancelled, or denied and refunded if your billing address is flagged as incorrect.

If your shipping address is different than your billing address, like in cases where you are buying a gift for someone else, please uncheck 'Same as Shipping Address' at checkout and then enter in the correct billing address tied to your payment card.

All prices are shown based on the region you are shopping from. At checkout, your final price will be in the native currency of your shipping address. Please note that while you will pay us in the currency shown at checkout, your bank may charge you an international purchase fee.

In order to accept cryptocurrency payments at checkout, we had to disable the "shop from your region and pay with your currency" feature. As a result, all prices you see on this site are priced in $USD, no matter where in the world you are visiting from.